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sf-admin onLast Updated 11th December 2020 at 10:08 am
When it comes to booking a family ski holiday are you filled with a dull sense of dread and impending doom? The crying, the cold fingers, the equipment, “how have they grown out of everything already?” But after all that, there will be beaming smiles from ear to ear, quality family time, carbs, so many carbs and lasting memories. Is it all worth it? Yes!
If you are struggling to see those positives after your 17th consecutive night of spending your last hour before bed looking for a great ski deal, firstly, stop right there and focus on the fun stuff. Let’s instead leave you a list of 10 reasons why it is a great idea to take your family on a skiing holiday. It will restore your faith and replace the feeling of doom with excitement and anticipation!
1. The Children Get Comfortable With Travelling
It starts at the airport! Going skiing or winter holiday, in general is a fabulous way to get the children acquainted with the whole travel process. Everything from check-in, hauling luggage around, passport control and the arrival in the resort. Travel can be stressful for kids, but only because they take leave by the parents’ mood. Travelling with Ski Famille is an easy and convenient process, but before we even meet you at the airport, you can arrive relaxed with the kids merrily following suit.

2. Making New Friends
A world of opportunity for the kids to test their social skills opens up when on a family ski holiday. People are friendly and chatty on the chairlifts, they can meet fellow ski school children to bond with and maybe even their parents are potential new family friends. We all want our children to grow up to be bright and charismatic, this is best learnt in surroundings like a ski school. Children meet other kids their age, bond, laugh, cry and grow skills together. We have seen many a new friendship blossom and it’s quite a sight for sore eyes. It also demonstrates to kids that a “learning” environment can be supportive and most importantly fun!”

3. Vocalising
Skiing, being out in nature, in the cold and potentially extreme weather conditions, your children learn valuable communication skills, learning to eloquently vocalise what’s bothering them. They learn to calmly explain that they are too cold, or too hot, perhaps they need a rest, or maybe they are in pain etc. Keep reinforcing the message to your kids that they can be clear and calm and explain what they need.

4. Respecting Rules & Boundaries
Skiing is fun and freeing, but of course, there are plenty of rules that need to be followed, everything from not wearing your ski boots in the hotel lobby to slowing down and intersections. The rules help your children become disciplined on the slopes. Not to mention listening to the ski instructors, being respectful and taking the knowledge onboard, watching them learn will make you beam with pride!

5. It’s Good For The Soul
We know that skiing has brought infinite joy into our lives, and that’s for us as adults, where little apart from a glass of wine on a Friday or a warm bath makes us happy these days but take the enjoyment we feel skiing and amplify it by 10, and you have a percentage of the joy kids experience skiing. It’s so good to be out in nature, spending precious time with family. Create lasting memories and inspire a lifetime of ski loving in our little ones. And if they absolutely can’t get enough of skiing, why not surprise them with a little skiing related gift for their next birthday?

6. Excellent Exercise
Skiing is such good exercise. It gets your heart rate up and increases cardiovascular and respiratory endurance which is incredible and great for overall fitness for you and the kids. It also burns a lot of calories which isn’t essential but does give you a licence to eat all the carbonara at lunch or the cake in the chalet when you get back. The kids build muscle power and respiratory endurance too! It’s a win-win!

7. Improving Well Being
Most skiers take to the slope simply because they love the thrill of the sport and the love of the surroundings, but not many people realise just how many health benefits skiing has. From your mind to your physical well-being, there are lots of reasons why you should head for the piste with your kids. Feel the adrenaline and serotonin together and get all those happy feelings.

8. Appreciating Nature
Get close to nature’s heart, in the mountains, looking out at the stunning scenery. The kids will have guaranteed love for nature after being in the mountains. Away from school, at the top of the peak, with the freedom to explore and push their physical boundaries. It’s a winning combination that the kids will be stoked about.

9. Good Night’s Sleep
After a long day of frolicking on the slopes, breathing in the fresh mountain air and absolutely stuffing your faces until your heart’s content with pasta, there is no doubt that you and the kids will sleep soundly. No arguing, no quibbles, everyone sleeping soundly by 8 pm and fresh and ready for the next day.

10. Skills For Life!
Skiing is a life skill. Your children learn communication skills, independence, negotiation, strategy, organisation, bravery and most importantly love! Love for nature, respect for the people around them and taking this excitement and sharing it with everyone they meet. They will tell their friends about it, grow up and ski with their partners and maybe, just maybe even their own children. What an incredible legacy that you can pass on.
So that is about it, just 10 reasons why it is a great idea to take your family on a skiing holiday, but there are so many more. We hope this has filled your heart with love for skiing and had you counting down to spending this wonderful time with your family. Take your kids skiing, enjoy every second, remember it, cherish it and for everything else, we at Ski Famille are here to help!